Whether your next overseas trip entails surfing, trekking, travelling with kids or being stuck in a conference, heading overseas always brings with it the risk of illness and disease.

Our travel doctors can provide patients with accurate travel advice and travel letters stating what medications are prescribed for you and provide you with printed information outlining any specific risks for the areas you are visiting.

Coming down with a tummy bug or a dose of the 'flu can certainly dampen your holiday. Not knowing where to go and what to buy to treat the illness just adds to the stress of the moment.    

Before you go overseas, make an appointment with your GP to discuss:

  • Health conditions in the countries you will be visiting
  • How to protect your health and well-being whilst travelling
  • Whether any vaccinations are required (especially a tetanus booster)
  • Your current medications

We can suggest items you should obtain for your own Travel Medical Kit. The practice is accredited to provide and administer Yellow Fever vaccinations. To make sure you are travel ready it is vital that you make an appointment with a travel medicine GP at least 8 weeks before you travel, giving you time to have  the vaccinations at the right time before you leave.  

Dr Michelle Kwan, is the face of travel medicine here at Keperra Family Practice. As she can tell you, it is amazing how many people can be so focussed on the tours they are going to do, making sure their accommodation has all the bells and whistles and that they have their blog set up, before they even begin to think about their medical safety.  Up to 90% of Aussies travelling in South East Asia end up with some kind of illness, many of which could be avoided had they seen us first.


If you are travelling with medication, needles or syringes it is important to make sure you have the right paperwork and the relevant country specific information.  

Here are some quick tips to help make your journey run smoothly:

When traveling with large quantities of medication, it is good practice to separate the quantity amongst your luggage, in case bags go missing.  Don’t forget to keep some in your hand luggage!

Keep all medications in the original, labelled container to avoid customs problems.

Make photocopies of the labels, any scripts and doctors letters t ogive to someone back home or a fellow traveller for safe keeping.

Check with the relevant foreign mission in Australia for the countries you are visiting for any health alerts.

Carry a copy of your doctors travel medicine letter explaining your medications and stating it is for personal use only.

For more travel medicine related information go to


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